Whenever I’m alone or with my family, I’m always comfortable but I’m my college im extremely uncomfortable, it feel like everyone’s watching me and judging me like there’s always some kind of pressure on me which takes all of my energy.

I just can’t be myself no matter what, I’m trying a lot but I think I just can’t find it’s root cause.

In my highschool I found a method to deal with it which is to be someone else and that was the worst, I’m an introvert and talks only when I feel like it’s necessary but to avoid my social awkwardness I act like an extrovert who talks a lot and mostly nonsense and instead of solving my problem it becomes worse.

One thing I discover during all self reflection is that maybe it’s because I feel inferior to others.

Most hardest thing for me is to talk to attractive girl and if they are financially more stable than me than it becomes more hard.
Any advice, experience, any book or anything will be really appreciated.

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