I recently stopped taking birth control, which I had been on since I was 14 – I had no idea how my developed body looked without it. My girlfriend (who has a large chest and ex girlfriends with large chests) said “one of your boobs is significantly smaller than the other!”, she really really emphasized the word “significantly”.

I had a small chest before, but now it’s smaller and very uneven. I have felt so low about myself since then, and I do not really want to see her, let alone be intimate with her. Is there a way for me to get over this? She claims it was said out of concern, but I just can’t get how she said it out of my head.

  1. You have to talk about ur feelings together. If she said it out of a medical concern there’s nothing wrong about it. But it’s understandable that it made you feel uncomfortable. Talk about it.

  2. I’ve never heard of a woman’s breast size changing after she stops taking hormonal birth control. This is a good question to ask on r/birthcontrol. It’s also a good idea to speak with your doctor.

    The FAQ has a section titled [overall body](https://www.reddit.com/r/sex/wiki/index/#wiki_overall_body) that includes a link to a normal breasts gallery. r/normalnudes is also a good place to see a lot of normal breasts.

  3. Birth control can lead to changing fluid retention in the breasts. It’s not completely unheard of for breasts to temporarily get bigger when getting on the pill and to get temporarily smaller when going off it.

    It will go away after a few weeks.

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