Men of Reddit, what do you judge people for that you probably shouldn’t?

  1. If I mention in a conversation that I like something and someone reacts poorly, for example if I say that I like a game and someone says “what? that game sucks” just like that, I’ll judge them. On the bright side, I only judge them internally.

  2. How people dress. Like if you are a dude wearing all black at night there is a good chance I have my hand on the knife I carry in my pocket on the off chance you are going to try something. On the opposite end of things, I also judge dudes who wear women’s clothes, but don’t properly groom themselves. If you are going to dress like a woman then do it all the way and shave/perform the same general hygiene they do too.

  3. Talking too much.

    Well as an introvert, I don’t like to chat a lot. My sister’s the opposite and I can’t help but feel a little irritated when she tells me little things about her life that I don’t wanna know. But I’ve learned that it’s not okay for me to expect everyone to be quiet like me. I still judge people who talk too much, and I’m working on it.

  4. Making poor life choices (not getting a proper education, not getting a well-paying job, staying at a boring job instead of trying to look for something more interesting / challenging etc). It’s not my problem and it’s not my life, but it’s always painful to see people wasting (in my opinion) their live.

    Smoking / drinking. Same reasoning as above.

  5. Being a picky eater. I know it’s petty and normally has nothing to do with me. But.. I just associate picky eating with small children and that leaks to grown adults who have similar eating issues.

  6. Showing off their body on social media.

    I get you’re proud of yourself. But we all know why you KEEP posting that stuff…. ego

  7. weight/body image

    I just project how harshly I judge myself all rooted back to my own insecurities

  8. Their ability to handle situations which aren’t ideal for them. I know different people have different experiences, stress thresholds, and abilities to cope but sometimes when I see someone freaking out over something that I wouldn’t even notice…thats when I tend to catch myself being judgmental. Fortunately each time I catch myself it becomes easier not to do it…but it definitely still happens.

    Similarly – I have been known to judge people who stress over the same thing many times for weeks on end when the solution would take 5 minutes, but they won’t implement the solution. It’s particularly irksome when they finally do take those 5 minutes and say “I should have done that weeks ago”

  9. If they throw away trash in the streets or out the windows if they’re in a vehicle, I mean you are what your parents tought you, it’s not your fault…

  10. Extroverts. They make my arch one eyebrow, every single time.

    I don’t like those kind of people. It’s no surprise I’m on the quiet side of the spectrum and I like my quiet and if at all possible silence.

    I wouldn’t say I’m introvert, I’ll talk to you if you talk to me, or at least I’ll answer even if I’m not interested and not flee crying, but I’d rather be left alone if given the choice.

    Needless to say, I’m not easy to approach by choice, and you are more than welcome to judge me back on that 😀

  11. People who spend all their time complaining about stuff and none of their time doing anything to fix their problems

  12. Smoking, drinking, and other stuff of the sort. My family has had some trouble with all this shit and sometimes I just instantly jump to being judgemental before actually understanding. I hate that I do it, but it still happens every once in a while.

  13. Not having a helping personality. People who claim just wanting to go in with their days and refuse to engage in something good without a particular reason are evil to me

  14. I was raised by a judgemental bitch of a mother. I avoid judging people and get irritated when I hear someone else judging people they don’t know.

  15. Having lost over 100 lbs by eating right and exercising, I judge people that get any of the weight loss surgeries and soak up the adulation that comes with weight loss on social media.

    I know it’s not right, but there it is.

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