So I’ve noticed after I’ve known someone for a while, the littlest things they do start to piss me off. It isn’t everyone I’m friends with, I have a few that I’ve been close with for years and nothing of the like has come up. But there’s two or three people where I’ve just started to find their sense of humor and personality SO grating and I dont know what to do about it. I feel like an awful person and I’m wondering if I’m just self-sabotaging myself or if there’s actually something there? I dont want to talk to them about it because it’s not anything they’re doing it’s just… how they are that’s annoying to me now. What should I do?

1 comment
  1. All my friends have things that annoy me. I fit my relationship with them around those things. They all have strengths and weaknesses.

    Like R always calls me and is super long winded about minor annoyances in her life. Ive worked on getting better at ignoring her calls when i don’t want to hear it, or things to say to politely break off the call when it gets too long, and volunteering more information about myself so she isn’t the only one carrying the conversation. The plus is that when i feel like a long phone call, she’s my go to person.

    Or C is basically a hermit who does very little in life but consume media. I got a little fed up with this and pulled back for a while, but when i get really into a new show or book i know shes my go-to person to talk about it with.

    Or G can be annoyingly over enthusiastic about things. I just gently tease her about it and then we have a good laugh.

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