Hi. Me and my partner are in relationships for 5 months and we live 3h away from each other. We often visit each other, travel and etc but I have always chosen days when I’m not on my period so we could enjoy all type of communication and also be intimate when we see each other.

Soon he’ll be leaving for a long time and we don’t know when we’ll see each other again (maybe in a month or so, but we haven’t ever had such long break). And the only time when we are both available is when I’m on my period. He told me he’s totally fine with that and he wants to spend time with me. But I feel sad that we can’t get intimate and also I might feel really bad on a 3rd day of my days.

So I’m thinking.. will it be actually an interesting experience to test it out or should I just relax and not see him due to that?

  1. I’ve verified through independent research that it’s possible to make the sex with women on their period. Hanging out with them while they ride the hormone rollercoaster is where problems arise.

    And if there’s LTR potential, you gotta be able to deal with her in those times.

  2. I feel sad that so many girls feel uncomfortable about this because I’ve never had a bf that cared and didn’t know people cared until I was in my 20s. My friends and I joke abt it all the time, like I promise you Moses isn’t the only one who likes parting red seas 🩸

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