So every time someone asks me a favor or tells me to do soemthing I really mess it up and appear really stupid .

It’s not just if a favor gets asked by me , it’s more like any sense of responsibility given by someone else .
For example if say my parents asked me to look for soemthing most of the time I wouldn’t find it even if the placement is super clear, and when they come to pick it up I’d be like ” what , how didn’t I see it ? ” I can find the object if I spent time tho it’d take me alot of time to the point were it’s easier on them to look for it .

On the other hand if I wanted the exact same objec and it was in the exact same place I’d find it in seconds , and it becomes worse when the person who asked me the favor gives me detailed orders .
For example , go to the restaurant and get 1,2,3 is harder for me to follow that simply go to the restaurant and get anything .

I feel like the problem is that when I get an order from someone I’m just so focused on doing exactly what they wanted to the point were I either miss it up or do it perfectly but mess something that’s super appearent but wasn’t ordered from me .

I think the reason for that is that I’ve had severe social anxiety before ( it was to the point were I was unable to speak to someone new , or say unable to even move when I’m in a room with new people , it’s solved now tho I still lack social skills . )
Therefore I had no personality , which meant I’d just do whatever someone tells me even if I didn’t want it at all .
I was even unable to defend myself against anything ( there was once this time I was playing football with my freinds in 5th grade and i was just playing so bad in the game .
So one of my freinds got really angry – cause you know we were 5th graders and winningeant the world – and kicked me in the stomach while we were both standing – he was a really close freind – .
At the time I didn’t do anything and it came out as I was really mature but the reality is I was very scared to even talk back to him after he kicked me Infront of everyone . )

So the point is that I had no personality, no confidence and I just followed everyone like a sheep , it reached the point were the reason I was so bad at football is that I didn’t even move to defend the goal as a goal keeper because no one told me to do so .

My final question is , how can I fix this ?
I want to be a realible person who can well do a task asked of him , I don’t want to appear as stupid or sloppy Infront of people .

I don’t think that it’s just gonna be solevd with time as it’s been around for a while .

Thanks in advance .

1 comment
  1. If you’re able to complete your own tasks, yet constantly fail at those same tasks if somebody else asked you to do them, then the issue isn’t your capability. Is this some kinda “learned helplessness” thing where you’re doing everything possible to keep people’s expectations of you as low as possible?

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