In the U.S. kids complain about eating their broccoli and brussel sprouts. What about your country?

  1. Sprouts, and chicory ( witlof) but you see that less as trope than sprouts ( eventhough I’m still not a fan of chicory beyond the “with love” punns in my late 20’s)

  2. I have no idea if this is the correct word, but Google translate said “okra”, so there’s that I guess

  3. Similar thing here, broccoli and brussel sprouts. I vere vividly remember my mother that tried to feed me those. Fortunately form my mother I very much like broccoli but the sprouts are identically disgusting as the were 10 years earlier. My mother adores them though.

    Cauliflower is very much disliked by children in Poland. It’s much tastier than broccoli but because it look like white version of it I disliked it when I was a kid. Now I like it, but with crumbs.

  4. I immediately think of brussel sprouts. And porridge.

    Brussel sprouts is understandable though, never liked them and probably never will.

  5. In Portugal it’s about the same but broccoli is liked more and most kids never really liked cilantro.

  6. Children seem to love brussels sprouts near the end of november and early december but hate it the rest of the year.

    But generally most green cabbage variants are disliked. Usually because our parents had the godawful habit of overcooking them every single time.

  7. Brussel sprouts and other dark green leaves like spinach are also in the blergh list in Spain.

    And, weirdly (because I loved it, and my kid does too), fish seems to be disliked as well.

  8. I am not sure if there is a stereotypical one. I think it depends on the family a lot. I was born in the 90s and the country was a mess in the years following the revolution. My family was poor (food was not a problem but food quality and variety yes). As a kid i ate EVERYTHING except maybe for some gross smelling and looking christmas foods. I didnt like eggplant salad but now i make it every other week.

  9. Latvia – pickled cabbage and liver. Back when I was a kid, no one would eat those (not even the poor kids) during school lunch.

  10. yes. brussel sprouts boiled to the nasty shit floating in ugly soap was universally hated.

  11. Liver sauce – it’s actually good imo.

    Onions – it is common to do a separate bowl of salad or whatever without onion for the kids.

    Some kids don’t like some sorts of fish, but I cannot recall what exactly.

  12. Apparently fish.. if you google around in norwegian with some key words.. you get many articles on how to get your children to like fish.. So seemingly a “problem”.. Guess sushi and salmon has helped some.. In the recent years those has been more and more on the table.. While before that was more of cod, trout etc. which maybe has a more distinct taste to a child… Can sometimes be to salty etc.. Though such as fish-sticks are a popular among children… but many of those contains very little fish, and it’s probably maybe more about the “coating” (those breadcrumbs) than the fish…

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