Men, what is something you finally did after telling yourself year after year that you’d get to eventually?

  1. Buying a house. I saved up for years to make it happen. Bought my first house about a year and a half ago. Feels good.

  2. Purging. I’m finally getting around to cleaning out my storage locker and getting rid of everything I don’t really need.

  3. I finished reading *Guns, Germs, and Steel.*

    The editor of that book should be caned for allowing the author to repeat himself so much.

  4. Microdosing. Been using psychedelics for awhile now but I just started seriously microdosing and Omg I should have started this years ago.

  5. Going Gym.

    I’m turning 30 in January. And believe or not the last time I went Gym was when I was 16. And that was only for 2 days.

    I’m not gonna lie. It’s grueling to go to the gym. But I’m glad I’m going.

  6. Performing music. So glad I’m doing it now. One day I will touch the sky. Mipdhg da spaceman

  7. Replace the flooring in our home. We had super old and dirty carpet and always wanted some sort of laminate plank flooring.

    Could not even fathom the expense years ago. Now, as of right this moment, We’re halfway done and out looks great!

  8. Finally lost the weight, well not all of it, it’s an ongoing process but hell, most of it!

    60kgs down and counting boys 💪

  9. Botox – I had thought about it for at least 10 years and always thought maybe next year etc.

  10. Each year ahead of time, I pick the areas I want to hike/backpack at and do it. As of right now come this fall, I am planning a two-parter of doing some stuff in VA and some stuff in TN in the Smokys. Back in June, I spent 4 days out on trails in the western Adirondacks.

  11. Quit drinking and smoking weed. Was (surprisingly) much easier that I could’ve imagined. I feel much better and my stomach and head don’t hurt anymore, brain fog lifted, too. Although I do miss weed a little bit, but I love the idea of smoking it more than the actual process. I like my sober mind more anyway.

  12. Making a home gym, though it’s surprisingly expensive in my country, all I got are some dumbbells and a pull up/dips bar, next up is a good bench.

  13. Get the tree cut down in the front of my garden that I didn’t like.

    Another year of telling myself and I might finally plant a prunus there to replace it.

  14. Got a new music project, I’m playing and writing and learning again and it’s wonderful.

  15. College. When I graduated high school, I had a scholarship to go into electrical engineering, but I decided to take a semester off. Then I took one more, and one more, etc. Finally, 17 years later, I went to college and became an English teacher of all things. I’m living my best life. I love it and can’t imagine doing electrical engineering every day in some cubicle. I’m doing what I was meant to do.

  16. Wrote a book. Realized it’d been multiple years of saying I’d do it and not, Finally said fuck it now ir never. Now it’s finished, 102k just needs editing. Book 2 is half done. Feels great

  17. Getting my eye laser surgery. 14 long years wearing glasses, now finally free since a few months, a whole world of difference!

  18. quit smoking

    smoked for nearly 25 years and just decided one day to quit after I finished my pack. Shits expensive, I wasn’t going to waste it.

    I milked that pack for 4 days, quit, and have never had a single puff since. That was several years ago.

  19. “Stopped giving a fuck, about things that are not fuckworthy”! It was pretty easy
    Subtle art of not giving a fuck by mark manson

  20. Started playing goalie (hockey) and started learning ice hockey. I’ve been playing roller on and off for about a decade and finally said fuck it and tried both recently and I’m hooked.

  21. Exercise. Was at 210 with a disgusting dad bod. Felt like shit, looked like shit, was not happy. A year later im down to 170-175 and I can chase my dog at the park with out getting winded again. I feel great and like how I look. I literally feel like a kid again.

  22. Quit smoking. Always been pretty active but it got to a point where lighting up was noticeably screwing with my ability to perform. Wish I would have stopped even sooner.

  23. Lost weight. I was pretty heavy, but in the last year I’ve dropped about 20% of my weight.

  24. Start my master’s degree and lose weight

    Currently enrolled in my 1st semester of graduate school and have lost 100lbs since last year.

  25. Solo hiked for 3 days in the Grand Tetons. Day hikes each time. 6 miles, 500 feet of climb the first day (base altitude is 6700 feet, I live at 600, so you don’t wanna go hard the first day out there), 10 miles, 11 feet of climb the 2nd day, 8 miles and 2k altitude gain the 3rd day. Saw SO much loveliness.

  26. Start reading. Got interessted in warhammer and wanted to learn about the universe so i started to buy some books again

  27. Tattoo removal.

    Its nothing bad/racist/hateful/sexual/etc….just a tattoo that looked fuckin terrible.

  28. This is somewhat embarrassing, but jump off a diving board. Not even dive, just jump. I had a fear of water as a kid and was a late swimmer. I’m still not a very strong swimmer, and somehow I had just never jumped off a diving board. I finally did it recently because my kids asked me too. I’m 40. It was pretty fun tbh.

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