What superpower would you choose to have and why

  1. I really, really want a Deathnote. And, no. I would not be a kind god. I would abuse it for personal gain while I also tried to make the world a better place for all.

  2. Chronomancy. Imagine being able to go through life with infinite redos or being able to pause time and take the last box of eggos off the shelf before the people closer to it can.

  3. the ability to erase things from existence and restore them .

    This would be so over powered as you could erase all the cops and security rob a bank and bring them back you would be rich and also not in prison.

  4. Affect activity in people’s brains. You having a bad day? Boom, here have some happy brain chemicals. Trying to get away after robbing done poor little old woman of her purse? Good luck with those rubber legs as you suddenly have a cripplingly explosive orgasm. Driving like you own the road and don’t even bother with your blinkers? Here, share in the anxiety you’re creating. Addressing the nation? If only you could stop laughing.

  5. Either mutant healing or money always spends: credit card always works, checks always post- but I dont want to have to wear bearskin for 10 years to earn it

  6. Immortality – I could then go to the death bed of people that piss me off and finish the job

  7. The ability to speak any language. I like the idea of being able to have a conversation with anyone in the world.

    Either that or the ability to read minds. With the ability to shut it out at will in case I end up in a situation where I really don’t want to know what people are thinking.

  8. Telekinesis, though imma take it a bit farther. Not only do I want to be able to manipulate everything with my mind, I want to be able to tell where everything from quarks to super galactic clusters are, what their behavior is, and how to move them to make them do what I want. Basically, this would allow me to be God. Literally. I’d be all powerful. Do I want super strength? I’ve got it. Want to fly? No problem. Launch nuclear blast out of my dick? Why not. Telepathy? I understand your brain better than you do. Be Batman? I know all his skills and science and can pull his gear out of thin air. Literally.

  9. Precognition. Always know the results of things in advance. It’d make me a very rich man.

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