I’m (19F) just curious as I find it isn’t talked about a lot. Women tend to say oh they like funny men or something like that, but haven’t heard much said from men about women. So what do men find attractive about women that is related to personality rather than looks?
I understand that the answers don’t represent all men but still I’m curious .

  1. Femininity.

    I think this applies globally to the vast majority of men on the planet. What exactly a specific culture sees as feminine, can differ based on where you live.

  2. I’ll second the above comment.

    Men love femininity in a woman. It’s also becoming increasingly rare.

    If one woman is a 9 in looks and an independent strong personality, a 7 in looks and feminine is what men will pick over the first.

    Why? Because men will come down on looks for cooperation.

  3. I’m not giving out secrets, I’ll protect my “boys” 😂😂
    Kind. Easy to talk to. Not toxic. Caring.

  4. This is personal opinion, but I (and some of my friends) prefer independent kind. Women who have their s*it together and have sense of selfesteem. What it means is that they dont necessarily need a man/partner, but want one.

    Hottest shit is to be viewed as equal and to act as such.

  5. Agreeableness, femininity, nurturing spirit, calm demeanor, witty, smart, good sense of humor, takes care of themselves, stable (but not too career driven).

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