What is something other men do that you can’t stand?

  1. That elitist mindset like they were never new to a hobby or interest. Acting like every other man should know as much as they do about the subject matter from the start.

    Throwing other men under the bus to gain the favor of women.

  2. I dont personally give a shit what other people do. Just stay out of my way.

  3. Being an inconsiderate, inappropriate moron is somehow a good thing. No.

    That nipple flicking shit. A coworker almost lost his life because he was doing that crap. Wtf

    Machismo. Seems to be a great way to make a fool out of themselves.

    Getting their panties in a bunch when a woman or women are going about their own lives, and doing just fine.

  4. A lot, really.

    Rape, needless hyper-competitiveness especially around women, spitting gum in the urinal, needless contrarianism, not washing hands after peeing, not reading rules to the r/Askmen subreddit before posting, getting mad when they’re in the wrong, getting pissy with women just for saying no, white knighting, simping, and getting weird around gay dudes.

  5. Dudes who actually use the terms “Alpha,” “Beta,” Sigma,” and etc, entirely unironically

  6. Assuming they know how everyone else’s lives are.

    I have no fucking clue what it’s like to be anybody but me.

    At some point, you have to listen to other people and have some level of trust in them.

  7. I work with a guy who – if you did something good, he has a story about the time he did something better. If you experienced something bad, he interrupts you about the time he had it worse.

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