My boyfriend and I have a long distance relationship so when we see eachother again we usually have a lot of sex.
Last time we saw eachother it was for two weeks but by the end of those I had to refuse him bc it started to hurt too much. It actually only hurts when he is getting inside of me as soon as he is it doesn’t anymore but I still don’t really enjoy it. This time we are seeing eachother for over 2 months so I wanted to get some tips as to how to prevent it.
We do use lube already and also have foreplay but it still doesn’t seem to prevent it.

  1. You using enough lubrication?

    Oh sorry, missed that in your post.

    Well tbh, you can use all the lube in the world but if you are over doing it, is still going to hurt especially if he is on the larger side or you are on the smaller. It’s the repetition that’s hurting, you hit the same spot over and over and its going to eventually hurt if you don’t take a break.

  2. If by a lot you mean more than 3 rounds, 15-30min plus each ; of course your puss is going to flare up/ feel swollen.

    If you are simply super tight and insertion hurts in the beginning try buying yourself a toy 🙂

  3. Like for most things in this direction: Try more foreplay and more lube.

    If this doesn’t help try to do longer pauses in between rounds, limit the time of piv sex and try to prevent practises that put a lot of stress on the vagina like jackhammering.

  4. Use lube from the beginning, before you think you need it. Don’t wait until it feels dry.

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