My FIL is due for a major back surgery soon, and he will be in the hospital several days afterwards and then he’ll be pretty much stuck inside for 12 weeks after that. I’m looking for ideas of things we might be able to get him that might help distract him from the boredom/isolation. He’s already been pretty cooped up for several months, so he is bored out of his mind as it is.)

  1. I watched a lot of movies. It was also nice to have people visit (friends) but being careful not to spread viruses.

  2. Board games. Considering it’s back surgery I doubt he’ll be mobile so maybe something like Taboo or Pictionary

  3. When I was “out of service” for 6 months I did a lot of paper models of airplanes. Very few tools needed, white glue and lots of 3d imagination needed. Years later I’m still building them. Look up my posts.

  4. Puzzles are a good hobby for having to stay inside. They give a great sense of accomplishment when you’re unable to do much.

  5. I planned a couple of my surgeries around big football weekends and March Madness. Other than watching games, a lot of movies were watched.

  6. well i had my ankle fixed so im a little different i refused to stay resting lol but it was major surgery took most of the day

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