What do you find most attractive (Both physically and personality-wise) about a woman?

  1. Physically is all about proportion. Nothing fake, nothing hidden, nothing showing self-abusive lifestyles.

    Personality-wise, nothing fake, nothing hidden, nothing showing abusive tendencies.

    Well-read, intellectual, and abandonment issues are a huge plus.

  2. Personality ultimately makes or breaks it for me. A hot chick who is a garbage person will be instantly unattractive to me. A modest looking gal with a wonderful personality becomes very attractive to me. A hot chick with a wonderful personality is the Unicorn.

  3. Their ability to perform a complicated molecule biology protocol flawlessly while keeping their electronic laboratory notebook updated. Rrrar!

  4. Personality: very introspective, kind, and “boring”

    Physically: Isn’t completely obese

  5. What’s most attractive physically kind of depends on what suits the woman’s general look if that makes sense. It’s not like there is one thing that is unquestionably the most attractive physical feature regardless of the woman. It’s all about context.

    I like bookworms in general though.

  6. Physically: Gorgeous face, don’t mind if she’s a little over weight, presents herself well, takes pride in herself, I also love short women, I’m tall, also women that talk a lot, haha, odd I know.

    Personality: Honest, loyal, old school values.

  7. Physical: Naturally slim body and genuine smile, no piercings, hair dye, or tattoos.

    Personality-wise: Empathy and self-contentment, but determined at the same time. A good sense of humor is a plus and rare.

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