Recently, my friends found out I’ve achieved a top university, top careers in tech, and started a business (after 2 years of failing on dozens of ideas), and my incredible wealth of professional connections and they all together tried to bring me down and reduce my confidence, even trying to get me to shut down my business. Any ideas what’s going on? These were friends in highschool who had average ambition and achieved not that much in life.

TL;DR — My highschool friends found out about my success and they’re jealous.

  1. Can you be more specific about the actions they took to tru and bring you down, reduce your confidence, and get you to shut down your business?

  2. I don’t think there’s much anyone here can tell you about what’s going on based on the information you’ve given, aside from reaffirming what you already believe/want to hear, because it sounds like you already made up your mind and know what’s going on.

    Maybe elaborating a little might get you more useful answers. Like, what have your friends been doing exactly to try and put you down? Did they themselves offer any explanation for their behavior? Etc.

  3. If you have a great degree, an awesome career and your own successful business, why in the world would you be worried about ‘old highschool friends?’

    That sounds totally irrelevant.

  4. We don’t care about them. Do your own life, this is not your friends. Real friends are genuinely happy for you

  5. I think you’re just finding out its time to let these people go but you’re hesitating bc of your guys’ history. Not everyone can go where you’re going in life and its okay to drop dead weight. You have places to be

  6. Always remember. Success is like being pregnant, everyone says congratulations and no one knows how many times you got f*cked. So congrats on the success and also finding out your “friends” aren’t really your friends.

  7. > and they all together tried to bring me down and reduce my confidence, even trying to get me to shut down my business.

    How ? By direct actions or toxic/suspicious behavior ?

    In either case, just cut them off

  8. i think there’s a lot of people that believe in the idea that you and your highschool friends are supposed to outgrow each other and find support systems that align more with your own values at some point, rather than latching on to who’s in your direct vicinity, so don’t feel too bad.. I haven’t fully done that yet personally, but i could see why in some cases like yours why that’s necessary sometimes.

  9. I’m a jealous person myself, dont listen to them, they will try to bring you down by letting you think you are wasting your life and there is more then work, and so on..

    In reality they would love to be in your position 😉

  10. It’s only going to get worse as you become more successful, you would be hindering your success by remaining friends with these people and ultimately disrespecting yourself

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