Women with tattoos, what questions do you generally get asked?

  1. My body is about 55-60% covered and I mostly get asked which tattoo shop I went to 🙂

  2. 1) What’s that supposed to be? My tattoos are just design work of my own creation and not really any “thing”. I usually respond with “what do you think it is?” Little kids usually say lady bugs or snakes and I’m okay with that.

    2) Did it hurt? Depending on who is asking this I usually just stare back at them blankly. I’m covered in ink. It’s not an easy thing to sit through and frankly I’m shocked adults still don’t understand that.

  3. “WHY would you get a half sleeve dedicated to the Wizard of Oz?” Because it’s fucking awesome? I don’t understand your question.

  4. “Are those real?” Lol I have patch work tats all on my right leg and on my left hand. I’m 18 and still in hs so ppl don’t think they’re real lmao but they are 🙂

  5. I have a half sleeve and the bottom of it is the only thing that peeks out of sleeves, so I frequently get asked to see the rest of the tattoo. Honestly I’d much rather someone ask than to have them just pick up my sleeve to take a peek themselves – stop fucking touching me, if I wanna show off my ink I will. People will also ask if they can take a closer look at the one on my calf.

    I also get asked if it hurt. I just admit that it didn’t hurt that bad but that I’m also tattooed on the least painful parts of the body for tats by design because I’m a big baby.

  6. Did it hurt?

    Yes Janice, it’s a tiny needle being dragged across my skin creating an open wound. Of course it hurt.

  7. I work with kids so a lot of the time it’s just “What’s that?” and them pointing. I also get a lot of kids going “My mom/dad has tattoos too!” and then a detailed description of their parent’s tattoos lol.

  8. The meaning behind it, how long it took, am I adding to it, and who did it.

  9. 1) If it hurt and how it felt getting it done, 2) what it means and 3) if I’m planning on getting more and where/when I’d get them (I have two other projects I’ve had in mind for years and have made sketches for the ideas, but I can’t afford them due to currently being an engineering student and having a limited budget).

  10. Where I got it/them and if it hurt. Occasionally ask me to identify the different species in my quarter sleeve (I have a super nerdy biology collage with various critters and plants).

  11. “you have a tattoo??”

    It doesn’t bother me, as I have only one and it’s in a place that normally is covered by a shirt, so people don’t really see it all the time

    The second most asked is “did it hurt?” And “why that design?”

  12. Did it hurt?

    Upper arm: “so you know when you scrape your knee? It’s like that in slow motion. It hurts.”

    Top of foot: [thousand yard stare] “it hurt *too much.* I don’t get tattoos anymore.”

  13. I have a semi colon behind my ear that you can hardly see because it’s just for me tbh. Lots of people already know what it means, but if anyone sees it and asks I just assume they don’t know and lie that it’s for my love of literature lol

  14. “What do they mean?”

    I had $200 and an hour of free time at some point in my life mostly. I love tattoos but never know what to get so I am 95% flash pieces lol.

  15. I have a lot of people that look at them and tell me what they are. Like I have a little peanut butter jar and they’ll just say peanut butter and expect me to say something for them.

  16. How long it took, and how much it cost. Sometimes if they can touch it. I have a full sleeve with a really beautiful detailed Buddha holding a Lotus, my forearm has a really well done temple with cherry blossoms, etc. It’s in bright colors.

  17. “Did those hurt?” – No, no. Feels like the lightest butterfly kiss
 you know how tattoos are done, right? Of course it hurt.

    “What do they mean?” – each one is special for different reasons, no I’m not going to tell you, you’re a total stranger to me.

    “How are you going to feel about those tattoos when you’re 80 years old?” – I’ll probably cherish them just as I do now. And laugh at how wrinkly they are.

    “I bet your kid is embarrassed to be seen with you!” – uh, no. Just no.

  18. My dad didn’t want to see it for months. When he actually saw it he said: “You ruin a piece of art”.
    The normal people ask what it is and what it means. (It’s a lavender flower under my breast)

  19. Can I see them?

    Where else are they?

    How fat down does your chest peice go and can I see it?

    Can you take your top off so I can see your tattoos?

    Can I draw you naked?

    How much do you charge? (Assuming I’m an artist).

    Did it hurt?


    What’s your favorite?

    What’s the store behind each one?

    How many do you have?

    How much have you spent?

  20. “Did you know the sun on your back looks a lot like the Godsmack album cover art?”

    Yes…in retrospect, I am aware, that was unintentional…Yes I do like Godsmack…I did know of their Sun album art before getting the tattoo.

  21. People just ask me about the tattoos, what they are, who did them. I don’t really get mean questions.

  22. I get stopped a lot for my color realism tattoo sleeve a lot. It’s a daily thing when out.

    People want to see my whole arm then ask:

    if it hurts – sure but it’s totally fine and I think I enjoy the pain. I find healing is the worst part.

    Who is the artists and their socials

    How much it cost – real annoying because people can’t believe how I can spend so much on it. Or say they know someone cheaper of course but then it wouldnt be this good. I don’t even fucking care I’m a tattoo snob and collect only from the best in the world. I don’t care what it cost.

    How long have I sat for in total for the sleeve, longest session.

    Ask if I have more tattoos which usually is tricky when I’m wearing pants to show them my leg. If it’s a dude they like to ask if I have underboob tattoos.

    Ask if they have meaning to them or why would I want that. They seem surprised that my next tattoo will be artist choice.

  23. Usually, I am asked “What does it mean? “ because My tattoo is Greek writing. My sisters are snarky a-holes so if they hear someone ask me that, they authoritatively answer “It’s all Greek to me!”

  24. Most often what they’re supposed to be. And then I explain
    (A parasaurolophus skull, A queen of spades from an Olde playing card, and a cute nature spirit guy).

  25. I don’t usually get asked questions – where I live and work, it’s more unusual *not* to have tattoos.

    But if there are questions, it’s usually where did I get them done and am I going to get any more, or get my linework coloured in.

    Sometimes I get asked why I got them, or why I chose that particular design.

  26. “Did it hurt?” Nope it felt like butterfly tickles

    ”can I touch them?” Sure, perfect stranger but first let me knock your teeth out.


    my favorite though is when people in the anime community recognize the 3/4 sleeve I have to be One Piece themed. I am always delightfully surprised and happy that the status quo these days when it is recognized is for people to ask “whoa. That is a one piece sleeve??? Do you mind if I take photos of it to show my friends? It’s really cool” and those are the people I will politely let take photographs and let them touch my wrist to take photos so they can turn my arm around. It always turns into a conversation of who our favorite characters are and why. I love the one piece nakama


    I really have people that don’t have tattoos that don’t ask permission and just start touching me. đŸ€ź

  27. “Did it hurt” or my favorite, “do you still have that tattoo on your 

  28. Why I chose it and why I chose the location.

    A: Because I like sharks and because the location is easy to hide but also easy to make visible depending on my mood and the setting

  29. Aren’t you concerned about what they’ll look like when you’re older? Umm no?? I’ll be a cool tattooed granny.

    And, aren’t you concerned they’ll affect your job prospects post law school? Again no, I live in California and long sleeved shirts exist.

  30. “Why did you do that???”

    Because I fucking wanted to? Not hard to understand

  31. I got my first one 1.5weeks ago, and all I’ve been asked so far (by family) is “what does it mean”. It’s a symbolic tattoo.

  32. Don’t you think you’ll regret that on your wedding day? (Half sleeve)

  33. Did those hurt?

    You’re going to regret those in a few years, you know that, right?

    Why would you do that to yourself?

    How hard is it to find a job with those?

    Yes, they hurt. No, I will never regret them. Especially the 3 memorial tattoos I have on my arms. Because I wanted to. And not hard at all. I actually work in a retirement home. Many of the residents have commented that my arms are pretty with my tattoos.

  34. I work in elderly care, a lot if them ask me what my boyfriend/husband thinks about me having tattoos.
    First I tell them I don’t have a partner, but if I did have a girlfriend or wife, they’d just have to deal with it.

    Then they ask me why I got my tatts. I usually explain that there are a lot of different forms of art: some like paintings, some like poetry, and I like ink. It doesn’t have to be everyone’s taste, but I am the one to wear it and I happen to like it 🙂

  35. “which is your favorite one?”
    “what was your first tattoo?”

    Or, if you’re my grandma: “Do you think you’d find a husband if you removed your tattoos? How much would something like that cost?”

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