how would you feel being friends with a guy who you know loves you but you dont love him back?

  1. Fully depends on whether he’s choosing to behave appropriately or inappropriately.

  2. Honestly, no thanks. I don’t like feeling the pressure of knowing that a person I consider a friend wants more from me. If they can keep their feelings out of their behaviors, then maybe it would work, but that’s never been my experience with it. They’ve always pushed for more eventually.

  3. I would have to distance myself.

    I’ve been there twice and am no longer friends with either of them because they couldn’t behave as just a friend, they had to keep pushing it.

  4. I wouldn’t. Sounds exhausting. I like my friends to be friends and I won’t be able to feel safe and fully trust them unless I can be sure that they’re fully content with our relationship as it is.

  5. If he was open about it but respected the fact that I only viewed him as a friend, I could see it working. If he keeps trying to change my mind, I would cut him off.

  6. I’ve been in that situation multiple times. It’s always been fine. If they’re someone who would be pushy about it, there’s bound to be other huge personality flaws that would make me not want to be their friend in the first place. I did feel a bit guilty about one because he was such a sweetheart, but I didn’t feel that way about him for some reason.

  7. This just seems like it would be disrespectful to my husband. I would have really limit that friendship.

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