Even as an American I say “ahnt” and “ahntie” mostly cuz its just so weird saying an insects name in reference to another human. Also, “antie annes” just sounds so off to me. Curious what you guys pronounce it as.

  1. ‘Ahnt’ is the norm here (greater Boston area). Saying ‘ant’ is a dead giveaway for a non-native.

  2. ant for all of my aunts except my great aunt from Boston, she made sure my cousins and I use the “correct” pronunciation

  3. I say aunt that rhymes with want. My husband said aunt like ant. We are both from the same state but he’s white and I’m not. I think depending on region or race people say it differently.

  4. I don’t say auntie ever, but would probably say ahntie if I did.

    I say aunt as ant.

    It’s not an insects name, it’s your mother or father’s sister.

    Perhaps youbare familiar with the many hundreds of other English words which sound the same but have different meaning? We even have a word for it. Homonym.

  5. “ahnt”, because at some point during my childhood I heard it pronounced that way (on some TV show) and thought it sounded classier.

    When I found out it annoyed my parents as well? 100% guarantee that I was going to keep pronouncing it that way.

  6. I’m from Minnesota so i have awnts, but most of my aunts are from Iowa and thus call themselves ants.

  7. Ant and antie

    anhnt and ahntie is what I would call being precocious pronunciations. Sort of like havvvvvuddd. I quit listening after that…..

    And now I want pretzels! Geez! 🙂 😉 🙂

  8. Ant.

    I don’t say Auntie, but it sounds so British to me I’d probably default to Awntie if it came up

  9. I pronounce it “Ont” and “On-tea”

    Im black might have something to do with it

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