Im 23M and asked out a girl 23F that used to go to elementary and high school with me but we didn’t know each other well back then, recently met at a mutual friends party and were attracted to each other.

I’ve suffered from self image and esteem issues for awhile all stemming from bullying back in school, always thought nobody would like me for who I am. Over the last year I’ve put in a great effort to workout, eat better and take care of my mental health.

I thought to myself better to try than to do nothing and wonder what if, took her out for drinks and went for a walk and talked a lot and our personalities are so similar, I truly enjoyed myself for the first time in awhile and enjoyed having that new connection with someone.

Even if it doesn’t end up going anywhere at least I know that I gave it a shot and stepped out of my comfort zone. At the end of the day whatever happens I know I’ll be okay.

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