I notice the group that I’m around in school feel like they can cut me off mid sentence but gets offended when I do it they get offended and act like I did something wrong. I’m so confused and it annoys me because I feel like I’m not being heard. People won’t allow me to talk for more than 10 seconds before than decide to talk for 10 seconds. They act like they are entitled to speak for that long and try to overtalk me as well. What should I do?

  1. First off, that is unacceptable of your group of “friends” to be honest it might be time to find new friends or slowly distance themselves away from you. I know this is not what you want to hear but it is a personality issue of Theirs.

  2. They don’t respect you and view you as a pushover. When someone cuts you off, tell them to shut up and then continue talking.

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