We’ve all been there. Putting your all into getting someone’s attention or investing your heart and soul into making someone happy, and feeling like you don’t get the same time and thought being given back to you. And oftentimes, it isn’t until someone breaks up with you that you realize what you could’ve done differently. Or you realize what made them so great and you’re only realizing it now since they are no longer in your life. Well I’m here to say if you’ve ever broken up with someone because they weren’t realizing what made you so amazing until they’ve lost you, you don’t owe them the satisfaction of forgiving them and trying again. Even if they say they’ve changed and will appreciate you more. Because the truth is, the best person for you won’t need to lose you in order to know exactly why they should hold onto you tightly and make sure to never lose you in the first place. And I know sometimes it’s hard to say no to them. If you’re anything like me, I know you have a conscience and empathize with people, and you’ll feel bad to tell them you just don’t want to go through it again. They unfortunately made a mistake, and they’ll have to learn to heal and move on just like we all have to do with our mistakes. It’s not heartless or rude to know your own self worth and do what’s best for you when you know others don’t see what makes you so incredible

Now, there may be instances where people can genuinely become better after some time apart, so this could be judged on a case-by-case basis, but know that it’s OKAY to choose yourself

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