What’s some advice you’ve received from an uneducated person that was actually very wise and practical?

  1. Most of it because they weren’t force-fed woke rhetoric. Just because they didn’t learn it in university doesn’t mean they don’t know anything. A lot of things can be read and studied alone, and a lot of things are passed down by others without a college involved. Consider martial arts, carpentry, etc.

  2. A degree doesn’t mean you know anything about anything. Smart people will learn in whatever situation they are put into. Stop looking for degrees and start looking for intelligence.

  3. Some knobhead said something pretty profound about time. In the context, we were camping…and I asked what the time was. It was essentially about how much of your life is dictated by perceived time and to live more freely and not feel bound.

  4. I use to work with older Egyptian welder. He was a veteran of couple of wars with scars to prove. Skill and ingenuity of this guy was incredible. I learned a lot of welding tricks from him plus some mechanical skills.
    His education ended at 15 .

  5. Ex girlfriend’s dad didn’t really put in much effort to learn anything. Got a *very* well paying job by being good with his hands and stopping every by every day until they got annoyed and gave him a shot.

    Best lesson he gave me was “Always take 1 hour to decompress after work”

    For him it was either telling his wife about the day, or getting hammered and playing video games. While the second isn’t exactly health, the man *never* had a negative thing to say.

    In all honesty, I don’t remember seeing him with any other look than a smile.

    Since I’ve started doing that, all of my relationships are better and I just don’t feel as shitty in the morning. If I’m regularly decompressing, my biggest worry is “where is my coffee” or “eh, gotta submit a payment on (bill) when I get home”

  6. (30 something years ago) I don’t know if this person was uneducated but I had just started my second proper job and was used to just working through breaks if I got behind or if “stuff” happened. I was setting up a machine for him to run and was going to work through my break so he could start running the job straight away, he just said always take your breaks. Since then I almost always do. I run my own company now and always make sure my employees take their breaks.

  7. Grandpa: Never shoot at something you can’t kill in six shot or less

    Me: why

    Grandpa: otherwise your just gonna puss it off.

    Works in a board room too, don’t start shit you can’t finish, especially if you don’t have all the information.

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