Me too! Although I’ve gotten a lot better at it. I’m always wanting to improve! Hope this will turn into a discussion that will help both men and women alike.

I want to continue getting better. But I find it challenging to find regular partners into the same kinks.

I’ve evolved from “Show me your tits!” to detailed role plays. I no longer ask for pictures. Always accept and appreciate thoes who send them.

I do like to show off myself. But we men are at a disadvantage. Seen one dick, seen’em all. So what are some things men can do to make it more appealing to you? (Beside the obvious ask before you send). Well at lease I think it should be obvious.

If your willing to share some hot experiences you’ve had, I want to hear about it.

If you want to share a horrible experience, I want to learn from that too!

  1. I feel you when it comes to pics. It seems like women can have all these poses that enhances their sexiness, and have different angles to show off different sexy parts, while guys get dick pics.

    I am tempted to get a tiny top hat and mustache just to class up my dick and set it apart.

  2. The problem is that guys think that they only have dick pics. Women like to see asses too. And legs, and arms. Zoom the hell out and learn how to pose. Honestly, your dick should be the secondary focus of the photo. Ideally tertiary. Show off something else, and let your dick just happen to be part of the photo. Men pigeon hole themselves because they think the only thing women want to see is the “Here’s my dick” pic, which is actually one of the least desired photos.

    As for sexting, honestly the overwhelming majority of people are terrible at it. My style has turned into basically me telling them a story because they usually can’t respond with anything but the most basic “Yeah that’s hot, I’d suck your dick so hard.” Neat. Thanks.

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