Hello so I’ve been dating this one girl, So far it’s been going well but something recently sort of has me thinking. So basically one day my gf is at the gym and a older man comes up to her and says some creepy comments about her and she ends up leaving. I wasn’t aware until a few weeks after and when I asked how come she didn’t tell me sooner she just said she just didn’t think to do so. Fast forward a few more weeks me and her hanging out and some guy from her old highschool ended up texting her on Snapchat. She told me he was the weird guy in highschool who tried to date multiple girls and he was weird. Anyways she sent him a picture of me and she responded to what he said. She then got a text back from him and then said “I’m just gonna leave him on open, or what should I say back?” If I remember correctly she said she left him on open but when I look back she sent him something else back. I noticed and said something about it. I was a little upset because she texted him back because of what she had mentioned of him and I brought that to her attention and I basically said that I wasn’t mad she texted him back but I was a little hurt that she said something different but did something else sort of thing.

I brought up how I seen it and she profusely apologized and offered multiple times that I can go through her phone ( which I declined) and almost started crying and how she didn’t wanna give me the wrong impression about her. It was a total of like 5 massages exchanged but during the conversation me and her had she immediately blocked him even though I never even requested that. Furthermore before me and my GF met on Tinder, she had a met a guy a while ago and they went went out together as friends and they didn’t see each other in a relationship aspect other than friends ( I was aware she only went out as friends even prior to me and her dating), well in short they had an awful time together and just barely talked after that. Well I was going through her messages and seen that 4 days after we got together he texted her and said “if youre ever in Atlanta you should visit” to which she replied to that with “hell ye I will”, and the conversation ended there. they did not have a text exchanged for a over a month then one day he drunkenly texted her “you’re a good friend” to which she replied “HUH WHAT” and that was the end of that interaction. She doesn’t know I read those messages. Fast forward i point out how he texted her but I didn’t press or ask questions because I know everything they talked about. None of which bothered me but then the next day ( she spent the night with me) the chat was deleted and I asked her why she deleted it. She said that she deleted it because there was some stuff he sent to her and she was scared I would’ve got the wrong impression about her. ( the “you’re a good friend thing and the “you should visit me if youre ever in Atlanta thing”. She told me what he said and I was checking to see if she would lie about anything I had seen. She was truthful and I asked “why did you say “hell ye I will” whenever stated “you should visit me if your ever in Atlanta”, to which she replied to me “I never wanted to hangout, I just said that to be nice”. I know they never hung out nor had made plans to do so because after she said that back they quit texting. I tell her how uncomfortable this makes me and to put herself into my shoes and basically she started crying saying “you’re right that would make me uncomfortable if you did that to me” She then proceeded to ask me if i wanted him blocked, I told her I wasn’t gonna tell her what to do but think about how it would make her feel. She then proceeded to block him unprompted and apologized. She doesn’t know I read THOSE messages and gave me a Truthful answer to what was said. Anyways I tell her I’d rather just her keep the messages because if she deletes shit then I’m gonna automatically assume the worse.

She woke up in the middle of the night and had a panic attack and I woke up to a barrage of texts basically her saying ” are you okay? ” “Did I do something wrong?” ” I’m sorry I know you’re at work but I’m sorry, I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry.” I feel like I’m just being dumb and I apologize if that’s the case “.

I understand nothing flirty was said she 100% didn’t cheat and they don’t like each other like at all and like 4 messages were exchanged over 2 months but I told her because of how they met it’s very weird and very uncomfortable for me.

Furthermore she said I was 100% in the right and she won’t do this again. I haven’t dated in a few months and my ex gf was an emotional cheater, she hasn’t dated anyone in a few years ( not sure if that helps) I’m just a little confused if this is a sign of something bigger?

Is this early relationship boundary setting time? Is things like this normal? or should I just leave her? Last relationship I had my heart ripped out time and time again and I don’t wanna go through that again to which I made clear to her.

Please give me you all’s perspective, good or bad. Thank you

TL:Dr do I leave or set strong boundaries with my new

  1. dude you are EXHAUSTING. on top of being incredibly insecure and controlling. stop micromanaging her interactions with everyone. why are you even reading her texts? super intrusive. you should leave her not because she did anything wrong, but because you will be a nightmare guy to date for her. get yourself in therapy or something.

  2. You have got this girl so edge I’m sure she full on panics even if her mom texts her. Calm down.

  3. Why are you regularly going through your girlfriend’s messages? You are so awful you don’t even realise it

  4. What I find funny is that you’re going on about strong boundaries, when *you* are the one who violated your girlfriend’s privacy and have been hounding her when she did nothing wrong. What about *her* boundaries?

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