I notice that some coworkers who work closely together have more rapport than others.

Some people just start a random conversation all of a sudden. It’ll either be a funny story, or a distinctive thought is shared out loud.

Some people answer the phone very energetically, while others do so more chill. Whenever I answer the phone I feel like I’m talking in the library or movie theater.

Why am I this way?

  1. A lot of our social persona is really nothing more than habit. And habits can be changed. So it depends on what you’re looking to achieve, but I’d definitely start by saying good morning to your co-workers and giving them a big smile.

    People can “hear” if you’re smiling just by your tone of voice on the phone. The co-workers who answer the phone more energetically are probably making a better impression, as long as they’re not rude.

  2. This is normal. I work with 15 others and only really have rapport with 2 of them. These 2 I speak outside of the work environment aswell, and we make plans to go out monthly.

    I like them more than the other co-workers. This is a fact, that I am not hiding from the others.

    Those others also have their own favorites and are not desperate for our attention at all, there’s friendships in our office, not everyone is included in eachothers groups, but we still respect eachother.

    So yes, when you walk into the workplace you greet anyone who meets your path. You don’t have to go up to them to greet them. Just enter the room and say

  3. It’s very important to greet everyone if possible separately in office environment in order to make yourself known and make them feel seen.
    The intensity varies of course.

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