Yesterday I was fired from a great job that I’ve had for nearly three months and I loved working there, but the boss didn’t seem to think that I was the right man for the job. On several occasions I was told that I was doing a good job and my coworkers and I became fast friends. I have a mental disability so it’s difficult for me to do more than one task at a time because my brain works differently than others but I do my best to acclimate myself. Today my father went to the store and ask why she decided to terminate my employment; to which she replied that I wasn’t learning certain details and it seemed that I didn’t want to be there. But quite the contrary. This store is run by a charity and all I’ve wanted to do since I was a boy is to help people, because it’s the right thing to do and it makes me feel good about myself! And I would always ask for clarification on how a task was supposed to be done and I would try to follow every instruction. But now I feel like I’m a piece of trash thrown out. I’ve retreated into my faith and I just wanted a sympathetic ear (or in this case, eye). Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a wonderful day.

  1. First off, ask for written confirmation on exactly why you were fired. There are processes that employers are meant to go through before terminating employment. Take it from there and go to tribunal if you need to.

  2. Ah, that sucks. Especially since you wanted to be there.

    It’s okay, though, if she wasn’t willing to see how you really feel, I doubt that she was someone good to work for anyhow. It’s a loss for them.

    There are other stores run by the same Charity I would try there if you could.

  3. Keep putting yourself out there and you will find the right fit. There are lots of great charities out there looking for help. Be honest and up front about your challenges and the best way for you to learn.

  4. A few things I’d like for you to know:
    1- It’s normal to feel rejected and worthless after you get fired from a job.
    2- That feeling isn’t accurate. Your worth as a friend, neighbor, boyfriend, and person isn’t related to your worth as an employee/servant.

  5. Keep your head up and your eyes open buddy.
    Another job that’s better than the last will pop up soon.

  6. The fact that you care this much tells me you will be successful in the future. Getting fired is a painful experience but remember this is just a chapter in your story. Try to really identify what you could do better and what your next move is. You got this man. It hurts but youll be even better for this experience if you play your cards right.

  7. I got fired for the first time this summer. It sucks. But take the lessons you can learn and put it behind you. Just because it wasn’t the right place for you doesn’t mean that there isn’t a place for you out there.

  8. Find out the reasons why you were fired. (Maybe something particular)

    Then find a job provider and look for a new job.

    Maybe in the same field or something else.

    More and more employers are hiring more diverse people (disabilities)

  9. This is how we grow. It hurts, but makes us stronger. Best of luck in finding your next job!

  10. No one is actually answering the question, like we don’t need “hopes and prayers” here reddit. A person legit needs advice.

    – Go look into temp agencies near you
    – Review and update your resume, try to customize it to the job you’re applying for.
    – pump them out, it doesn’t matter where or if you have the actual credential, give your resume out and get noticed
    – ask friends and family for help regarding finding new employment
    – ask your other coworkers that you trust if they can reference
    – don’t let up, even if you have an interview for X day, continue looking, you aren’t done job hunting until you have found the right one, or until you have 100% certainty you are going to stick around.
    – look into going to classes again
    – maybe work 2-3 part times

  11. Hey man, I’m sorry to hear about that, it sounds awful.

    I can relate to that misunderstanding. 🙁

    Your boss might’ve had other personal reasons, like hiring a personal friend or something.

    I think it’s best to move on. Don’t let it bring you down. Don’t wonder about the why.

    You know the truth, you did nothing wrong. In fact, you were damn good.

    I believe there’s a good job out there that’ll have you.

    Lastly, I also believe in you!

  12. Oof, been there and it sucks. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and if you’re just looking for a job right now and not a career, remind yourself that it doesn’t have to be perfect as long as it pays.

  13. There is a certain pace all places of employment must operate at. It is not always possible to clarify every task, but the work needs to be completed. If a worker can’t complete a task this means other workers must pick up the slack. There is a lot of information missing from this story which you should also go into.

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