What skill do you think is currently in high demand o is worth learning?

  1. Definitely computer and technology skills. Might sound basic, but if we were to do statistics, most of the people above 50 are terrible with using it.

    I also think sewing is quite useful. You don’t need to go to someone else for a single stich.

  2. Skills that I think are useful, but myself have not learned: being good with electronics, fixing simple plumbing issues, hunting, fishing and carpentry.

    Skills that I have and feel are worth of learning: homekeeping, cooking, baking, sewing, speaking several languages and gardening.

  3. Here, childcare. The government wants to provide more subsidized childcare spaces so more parents and foster parents can work but there aren’t enough workers to be able to provide the spaces

  4. Technology and foreign language skills. I swear. If y’all want to feel needed.

    At work, I’m a nurse, an obstetrician trainee, an IT girl, an tech support girl, a human translator, and so much more. Lmao.

    Ex. Is the television not working? Don’t call the company, call *my name*. Is the bed not functioning properly? Let’s not call the manufacturers, let’s call *name*. The computer system isn’t working? Don’t touch it, don’t try switching it on/off. Let’s wait for *my name*. So she can turn it on and off. 😩

  5. Plumbers and electricians make bank here and there is a shortage in many areas.

  6. Trades like construction workers, plumbers, electricians, and mechanics.

  7. Software development. I don’t *think* it’s currently in high demand – I know it’s in high demand. Starting packages at big tech companies in the US are easily in 6 figures. However, I would only recommend someone to learn it if they are interested in doing this kind of work. Otherwise you’d be miserable and it would not be worth it.

  8. Any Skilled Trade. One that’s highly in fans is Electricians. Some can make over 100k per year.

  9. Online community management is picking up on a big way. Investors are more keen on community than ever, and the emergence of blockhain technology (cryptocurrency) is bringing a lot of community momentum with it. Source: Am head of community at a tech company and see so many awesome jobs posted every day.

  10. Honestly, post pandemic – mental health support. I can only imagine (and hope) that a lot of the people I am interacting with lately are going to be considering some form of therapy in the near future.

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