How long does it take y’all to run a mile?

  1. I was in the high 4s in high school. I’m guessing with proper motivation I would be in the 6s now.

  2. I haven’t ran a mile since high school gym class. I’m in my 30s now, so……awhile, probably.

  3. I cannot run a mile. I can barely run a furlong. I’m very out of shape.

    But I can ride my bicycle 10 miles each day on my commute and get 16K steps in at work, no problem, so it’s not like I’m sedentary either.

  4. Currently, literally impossible to even stand, let alone run. At my best, a little over 5 minutes.

  5. 7-8 minutes. I used to be an athlete when I was younger, but now I’m older and my knees have gone to shit.

  6. I could do it in 6 min 30 sec as a teen. These days no faster than 12 min and probably longer, I’m not sure as I haven’t timed it in quite a while.

  7. I could probably do it in 10 minutes. I am off the running wagon but hopefully with the turning weather I’ll start back up again. I’ve done a 5k in 30 minutes before but I never tried to personal best a mile.

  8. Just one? Generally I run comfortably at about 9:30 for about 7 miles before my feet hurt, can easily push for 8:30 for a few miles, and my best was 7:04 (2019). I can walk a mile at 13:00.

  9. At my best, I was around 8 minutes, and that was if I really pushed myself. Even when I was in really good shape, I just was never able to keep up a fast running pace for very long, but I was able to do a half marathon at a slower pace (just under 10 mins a mile).

    These days my knee and back hate running and I’ve got to do low impact exercises like elliptical or bike

  10. Run a mile? Maybe 10 – 20 so minutes, assuming I’m trying to run fast, most of the time I’m jogging.

  11. 8ish minutes. But only because I’m in the Army and they make me run to keep my job, I hate running.

  12. Fastest I’ve ever run a mile was like 7:15, I doubt I could do that now though — that was like six years ago when I was running 30+ miles a week. I could probably do a mile in 9 minutes though, my cardio is still alright.

  13. Last time I tried I got 8ish, but that’s a year ago now. I really don’t like running as a workout and I do pretty much anything else to not run

  14. I’ve been trying to break a sub 7 minute mile, but it’s still alluding me. My personal best is 7:06 for a mile. Hopefully in the future I’ll be under that.

  15. Funny enough I just got back from a quick 4 mile run and averaged 7:30 a mile. If I had to sprint a mile I could probably shave that down to 6:00 or so.

  16. Oh man

    In boot camp i ran a mile and a half in about 10:30

    Course …that was like 19 years ago (what the hell!?). I haven’t tried to run a mile in many years but would be surprised if I could do it under 12 mins. I’m pretty out of shape

  17. In the best shape of my life, when I was 11, I ran an 8:45 mile.

    I did a few 12-13min miles in high school, where I was fat, it was 110 degrees, and I just stumbled around the track. I haven’t done a timed mile in well over 15 years.

  18. 6:30-7 minutes as I am now. If I trained for a couple months I could probably get down into the 5’s for a single mile. Back in high school I could break into the 4’s, but that was a long time and a lot of hair ago.

  19. Last time I was forced to run a mile I did it in under 7, but Id rather tread water for 12h straight then do that shit again. FUCK running dude

  20. My best was around 6:00. I was more of a distance runner, my best 5k was about 22, 10k 45 and 13.1 was 1:35.

  21. My best time was 10:46 mile and a half. I think that equaled around 7:30ish a mile. I’m not much of a fan of running

    Only reason I know with the mile and a half was it was for our training to get the job. 15 min was the max or you would get dropped

  22. No idea now. When I was running regularly, I could run 5 miles in about 30 minutes. Maybe I could crack a 12 minute mile now. Prefer cycling now so haven’t run regularly in years.

  23. In my prime 30 years ago? 4:58. Today I could probably manage under 8 minutes, but I’d hurt for 3 days afterwards.

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