Whenever I drink or sometimes just normally I lightly tease people about stuff (nothing serious like bigotry or making fun of their physical appearance) and nowadays they get hurt and “tell” on me?

Feels like a *gen z* thing because I always hit it off with older people, it’s just my kind of comedy, and I love being teased and these kinds of “witt battles” that I usually have with friends closer to me

I’ve lost about 4 circles of people because of someone getting butthurt and “telling” on me and social justice warriors

I really could not give a shit but I wanted to know if this happens to anyone else or if I’m a terribly narcissistic asshole?

I’m sure there are socially awkward people here that get made fun of sometimes and don’t appreciate it

Don’t get me wrong I’m very polite but if I’ve had enough chemistry or rapport with someone, do something light like this and they get sensitive over it, I think they’re very lame.

P.S. To clarify pretty much all of these were men because women usually enjoy the confidence, I’d think men would take it better (pause)

  1. if others dont like it but you continue to do something to annoy them for your own amusement, then thats just an asshole thing to do. it is just like those ppl that claim that something was a joke when it isnt funny to anyone else. you are lying to yourself to justify your actions when you say you are “polite” “have built rapport”…thats just bs that you tell yourself to make yourself not be that asshole. but at the end of the day, they dont like it and you keep doing it, then you are doing something inappropriate.

  2. You’ve burned through FOUR circles of friends? Holy shit that’s a lot of destroyed relationships. You have a problem and the problem is you, and you don’t care about the hurt you cause so yeah you are definitely an asshole.

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