What are your coping skills to not let what other people say/think of you ruin your vibe?

  1. More self reflection. I honestly can’t think of anything you could actually do in the moment.

    My feelings on this topic – Do I want people to like me? Yes. Do I need people to like me? No. It’s none of my business what others think or say about me. It’s their problem. So I just let things roll off my back when I can.

    Obviously this means just generally. I do care what my family and friends think of me lol. But building your self esteem to just not gaf should be the goal imo

  2. People hate to see happy people.

    Someone told me that once and I’m afraid it can be true.

    Smile and nod – that’s my advice.

    Just smile and nod, happily agree with everything they say and watch them be annoyed/angry that’s it not instantly cutting you down.

  3. Projections, most people’s shitty moods or attitudes are projections of their own internal struggles. Example: my brother has a drinking problem and its ruining his life; he wanted to get an intervention going for my uncle, that’s got his toes off the wagon since his wife passed but has his shit together for his kids still. My brother needs help but refuses to genuinely acknowledge that fact. The thoughts floating around his brain but wont sink in, so he tosses it out onto others.

    So if a random stranger is rude or mean, i assume they have a whole heap of things they need to deal with themselves, before i believe its my actions.

  4. Normally I smile as sweetly as I can and try to give off the warmest glow I can. And thank them for their personal opinion and promise to improve myself. Then lol to myself as they get more and more pissed because they can’t upset me.

    But that doesn’t always work, sigh. LOL 😆

  5. Remember that two describing traits doesn’t have to be mutually exclusive. If someone thinks you’re a b**ch for being too blunt, doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person. You’re responsible for the things you say and do, but (as long as you’re trying to be respectful) you can’t take responsibility for people’s reactions.

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