At a wedding and the groom said he’s never cut a cake before today, subsequently I have since found out nobody seems to have cut their own birthday cake and given it out at parties!?!

I’ve never felt so foreign, please tell me other people cut their own cake during birthdays?

  1. Not afraid to say I’m supposedly a fully functioning adult who has always had cake cut by a more fully (fullier?) functioning adult for me

  2. Yes, you do at least the first cut yourself – because you have to make a wish as you do it.

    As a kid then the knife would get taken off you, as a teen the tradition added screaming as loud as you could at the bottom – or was that just my school?

  3. Do what you want. I’ve definitely made the first cut, also cut all the slices and handed them out, and sometimes I’ve even just been served the first piece by someone else cutting it for me. Cake is cake, it’s for you so just enjoy it and if anyone says different then they can eat cake of a different sort.

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