Maybe I’m just paranoid but there’s this one coworker I’m (24F) friendly with just because I have more in common with him than any of my other coworkers (really I just don’t have much in common with any of the others, I’m kind of weird and awkward and struggle to make friends generally).

Our department went out to lunch and me and my one work friend were making fun of each other in a friendly way and I saw 2 of my other coworkers give each other a look. So now I’m worried they think we were flirting which we definitely were not. They all know my boyfriend because he works in a different department and they’re all friendly with him. I’m worried it’s going to start drama or jeopardise my relationship and/or my work-friendship with the only person I have anything in common with at my job. I don’t know if I should do anything? Like distance myself from my only work friend? This sucks.

1 comment
  1. This isn’t quite the same scenario, but I’m a guy and I had a good female friend in college. I was a rather socially awkward fellow and still am today, but she was a really friendly person and was a lot of fun to talk to, and she got me to open up about myself. We were just friends and there was no romantic attachment between us, but that didn’t stop some of my other friends from accusing me of flirting with her. I would always just stand my ground and tell them the truth, and in time their accusations faded away when they realized they had nothing to back them up with.

    My advice is to stand your ground as well, and if your boyfriend is a good person he will be understanding. There are many people who claim men and women can’t just be friends, but those claims are a bit foolish. It’s like saying 50% of the population is off limits, but in the end we’re all the same species here. Don’t let peer pressure and paranoia stop you from being you.

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