My boyfriend knows I’m not happy and actually told me he can see in my eyes that I’ve given up. He started crying and said I’m not the same person he fell in love with, and he knows it’s because of his actions, and he feels selfish knowing that I’m unhappy and feels I’m still here because he’s going through a difficult time and he wants to stop giving me false hope that things will change. He pretty much told me that he knows I’ve been thinking of ending things, and would understand if I decide to leave.

I never thought he would say something like that. And we live together so I’m not sure where to go from here.

  1. Well….are you happy? Do you want to leave?

    I went through something similar. We lived together for about 8 more months to finish the lease , secure ourselves financially and to find new places to live.

  2. Dump this coward. This is him trying to break up with you without really having to say the words.

    Call his bluff and say, you know, this isn’t working out. So lets pick a date when you move out? Like two weeks from yesterday? See how hard he backpedals.

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