What sets you apart from the crowd? What makes you a good person? What have you worked hard on and persisted with?

I’ll go first: I’m proud I’m almost finished building a tiny house with no building knowledge and learnt it all along the way – it is a part of the puzzle that will be my future off-grid life. I’m also proud of the person I’ve become in the sense of the empathy and emotional intelligence I can show to others (I used to not be like that and was very black and white).

  1. I committed to working no more than, on average, 45-50 hours a week while trying to achieve a senior leadership or executive role in my highly technical field. I hit that goal a bit ago while watching peers burn out and work long hours because it’s what everyone else is doing.

    Live by my rules to life always and to part them onto my kids (they are young but getting it): 1) Be kind and love yourself, 2) Be empathetic, patient, and respectful to others without EVER sacrificing (1), 3) Failure rarely matters but if you try something, give it your all and learn from it, 4) the only opinion of you that matters is your own. Be true to yourself.

    Physical fitness and mental health are the keys to life. Work on both. While they will not always giving you more time on this planet, they will make the time you do have optimized.

    I have done a pretty good job with these. I’m still working on better personal financial management 😂

  2. I was all set to participate but, this is actually, surprisingly difficult… I’ll come back to this when I think of something…

    Probably says something about me, doesn’t it?

  3. I am proud of the career I’ve built and the respect I’ve earned from my peers. I’m proud of my wife for the work she put into getting her Masters and then finding a job that she loves. I’m proud of our relationship and how were able to improve our communication and move past some hardships we had a few years ago.

  4. I’m a really kind person, and I’m learning that I need to put myself first.

    I recently discovered that a long time friend was actually a selfish asshole, and our friendship is in the midst of dissolving because I’m giving myself the respect that he demands from me.

    I’m starting to realize that I’m awesome at what I do, and I’m no longer propping him up!

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