The administrators at my university seem incompetent. They have low accountability because most of the students that deal with them are out of their depths. There’s no feedback system, so no one can measure the quality of advice they provide.

Their superiors also don’t seem to be too invested. I’m not really sure what standards are used to evaluate school administrators’ performance, but I’m guessing it’s lackadaisical. I spent the last 8 hours just circling design flaws on their website to help them improve, but I’m not content with how disorganized they are and the resources they provide.

I feel like there are a lot of jobs with low accountability and high authority.

What are some jobs out there that a mediocre employee would not be dismissed from despite their substantial impact on their customers, coworkers, and business?

  1. Police officers

    I’m not an ACAB believer, and that’s definitely not what I’m saying, they just seem to be able to thrive despite poor performance

  2. Product Manager.

    Good ones excel, bad ones coast. There’s little responsibility besides passing requirements back and forth between business owners and software engineers; and even that could be done if business owners could interpret software-speak.

  3. i used to be an english professor until modern youth and for-profit education schemes drove me into early retirement at 35, but that position was pretty low accountability.

    as long as you meet minimum metrics, you’re fine. they just can’t have too many students dropping out. bad for sales numbers and quarterly earnings reports, right guys? because that’s what REALLY matters in education.

    meanwhile they can’t take any of your book teaching suggestions because some of them have the n-word in it. real good. let’s just imagine such things never happened, you guys are really great educators who care deeply about literature and art.

    it was just doing the same by-the-numbers lesson plan each semester. no changes. nothing new. just bland, stock, off-the-rack McEducation that’s planned and vomited out by moron empty suits in board rooms who’ve probably never read 5 books in their entire lives.


    toward the end, i was literally not even recording my podcasts and posting them like i was supposed to. i literally would post 40 minutes of dead air, hisssssss.

    another time, i recorded 40 minutes of the movie The Great Muppet Caper and posted that as my podcast. just to see if anyone noticed or cared.

    nobody ever said a word.

    i did this sort of thing for an entire year. never a peep about it, because nobody gave a damn.

  4. Bank CEO or C-suite in general. It takes a Royal Commission before you’ll get the sack.

  5. I’m gonna jump on the trend and say politicians. Politicians in the UK seem to be rewarded for making mistakes which would get you fired five times in any other profession.

  6. Most jobs in government. It’s hard to have accountability when it’s so difficult to be fired for poor performance.

  7. Software and how it impacts users. Corrections. Anything in a large bureaucracy. Colleges. Non profits. Consumer products.

    Any business model where the customer has zero recourse and has to pay for all the business’s mistakes.

    Did we make a low quality product that failed? -okay now you can buy more parts from us.

    Did we screw up your college counseling and you took a course unnecessary for your degree? – now you pay us for more credits.

    I hate these models with a passion.

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