My bf and I have been together for 2+ years. Our relationship has its good parts but we consistently find ourselves in a negativity cycle where things start to down spiral. Despite having parts of the relationship that are toxic we both are not ready to let go.

After almost breaking up yesterday we have come to the conclusion of making a list of rules that each partner would expect from the other.

I’m not speaking of a explicitly binding contract rather a loosely of articulated agreement that both parties will make a commitment towards. I think it is a bit mechanistic but at this point jumping In with blind optimism hasn’t served us well.
Do you think it would work? And how exactly would we go about doing it? Thoughts appreciated

  1. I think this serves as a good exercise to see what the other partner both expects out of you and what they don’t like so far in the relationship. Past that it is not a great sign of communication but could work for some.

  2. This feels like a bad attempt to make a futile relationship work…. It’s not going to work though

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