Do you use it? Have you heard about it?

  1. not really. i do have one of my groupchats with my high school friends on it, but if I were making today I’d have used signal instead of telegram — it was a few years ago

  2. Some people I know prefer to communicate on telegram but I do way more messaging on discord and the default SMS app

  3. I have 3 different group chats going on it, looking back the first one started in June 2018. One migrated over to it after fb messenger started being a bag of dicks, another when Kik got bought out by somebody, and another was previously us just texting as a group. The first time I ever looked at any part of the app outside those 3 was the first 3 months of Russia’s 3 day ~~invasion of Ukraine~~ special military denazification.

  4. I’m aware of the app but have never used it. I used What’sApp for an international D&D group for a bit, but otherwise use the built in messaging app for everything.

  5. I’m aware of it but have never used it. People will iPhone (about half of Americans) will use iMessage to communicate with each other, and then Android users just use SMS

  6. I’m only aware of its existence thanks to seeing people talk about Russian and Ukrainian telegram…channels? Chat rooms? Boards?

  7. I thought you were talking about Western Union when I first read this, so I’m going to assume no on this one. Everybody I know just uses the default SMS/MMS already on their phones.

  8. I know the app and I have it because a friend of mine in Europe used it but he’s back in the US now so I think I deleted the app.

  9. I don’t know anyone who uses it.

    Many iMessage users. Lots of WhatsApp users. Some Signal. Beyond that? I don’t know.

  10. So much not that my first thought was to wonder why you imagined we’d use a form of communication that hasn’t been popular for almost a century.

    I have heard of the app, but only because someone else asked this exact question a few months ago.

  11. I use it to talk to one friend who uses it because he has a bunch of friends from overseas that uses it. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t use it at all.

  12. I’m not aware of anyone that uses it. As I recall, there’s some technical reason why it was necessary elsewhere but largely redundant here.

  13. Telegram, like Western Union?

    That went out in the 60’s! If not earlier.

    If its something else, then I clearly have never heard of it nor use it.

  14. No but I saw people at Reddit making fun of Americans for not using it.. like “they don’t know what’s up” type of stuff

  15. No. I only starting using it when a friend moved to Australia. So now I use it to talk to him and a Spaniard.

  16. It has popularity among the ultraconservative crowd who moronically think the Russian spyware communication app is somehow safer than standard messaging apps and methods. lol

  17. I know about it only because of friends I have that grew up in other countries that use it. Outside of those 4-5 people I would be shocked if more than a few people I know, know what it is.

  18. It’s probably about on par with Signal? That puts it far behind SMS/RCS, iMessage, GroupMe, FB Messenger, Discord, and WhatsApp. Shit, it might even be below Slack.

  19. telegram is strictly for buying drugs 😂💀 yes i use it, i know only a few people who do but it’s the same reason as me!

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