Hello. I posted this on another community and wanted mixed results.

Context: I work at Target and my coworker works at Starbucks. We’ve been talking for about 2 months now and we’ve really hit it off, like really really. We’ve already talked about personal issues regarding abusive parents and inner demons. I have feelings for her and I’m almost certain she has feelings for me. We always talk at work at every time she sees me her face lights up like a star and mine does the same. We hug a lot and we once held hands while we were eating lunch in my car (I’m sure this sounds very elementary but I haven’t dated someone in awhile and I’m a bit inexperienced). I asked her on a date once over text and she responded by saying that she’s “not looking to date right now”. She said she thinks I’m sweet and likes hanging out with me, but explains that we never talked about our feelings before and that she wanted to be straight forward with me, which I told her I appreciated. I told her I wouldn’t make any advancements on her unless she was ready, and she thanked me and told me she “definitely will let me know if she wants more”. Does this mean that she’s interested in me but isn’t ready to date yet? Or is this just her polite way of shutting me down? We still talk like before and she’s asked to hangout any time we’re both off (albeit she always has some last minute plans and we cancel for a later date).

Am I wasting my time with trying to date this girl? Or do I just need to be patient and wait until she decides that she’s ready? Does she even like me the same way or is it just one sided? Im conflicted..

  1. > “definitely will let me know if she wants more”. Does this mean that she’s interested in me but isn’t ready to date yet? Or is this just her polite way of shutting me down?

    Sorry but you’re correct, it’s a polite way of shutting you down

    No need “to be patient and wait for her”, gotta move on man

  2. It sounds like she has made her position known. She wants to be a friend. Keep it moving, live your life, but forget the idea of the two of you together. It’s hard but you never want someone or an idea to have control over you.

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