My gf (18) recently went off to college about an hour away while I (18) am about to go into my senior year. We have been together for 9 months give or take and our relationship has been perfect I still love her and nothing will change that I just don’t know if it’s possible to realistically keep this going through college. I’m absolutely torn on what to do

  1. Will you go chasing tail? Is she about to get bent over like a pretzel and smashed?

    If not, and you two really trust each other, you don’t have to break up. But be sure to not listen to your one eyed snake when it gets big. Temptation is not your friend!

    Good luck, kid!

  2. You can try to give it a shot. If you see that doesn’t works then try having a honest discussion with your girlfriend and see if you can find any solution. Break up- if you want my opinion- needs to be guarded as the last result.

  3. Here’s what I’ve learned from doing long distance with my (now wife) a few times.

    First was when I moved off to college. I *absolutely* should have broken up with her then. We started dating shortly before we both graduated (met at our first job). First few months were fine because we both were getting used to college, but she stayed in the area and lived with her parents and I moved away. Second semester things started to change as we started to expand our friend groups and really learn who we were as people. Long story short, we spent the next two years in an on-again-off-again BS “relationship” that mostly just left the two of us angry at each other all the time. We treated each other like crap for years hoping that one of us would end things because neither wanted to be the “bad guy”.

    That was bad and eventually ended when I finished school and moved back, only to have a rather rocky breakup. A while later we got back together and eventually married.

    Shortly after we married I got a job opportunity 2800 miles away. I jumped on it. I had to live 2800 miles away for two months while she managed the ending of our lease and the packing of our stuff. That was difficult, but we knew the end wasn’t too far away and we were better about communicating.

    So, my advice is kind of mixed. You’re 18, but you’re in love. I’d say that you should be able to manage a long distance relationship *if both you and your significant other want that*. Make sure you communicate about what’s important to each of you. For me when I was in school the biggest thing was the lack of physical touch. It wasn’t so much sex (though I was 19-20 at the time so that’s what I thought it was), but it was not having someone to be physically intimate with. Touch turns out to be super important to me and the long distance thing isn’t great for me long term. Anyhow, focus on your relationship and make sure your S.O. is aware of your needs and you are aware of hers. If you get to a point where either of you is struggling, *make sure you talk about it*. The absolute worst thing you can do is try to suppress it because you’ll just end up treating each other poorly and hating each other by the end.

  4. Sounds like you are torn with the possibility of being hurt. That is always a possibility unfortunately

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