I want a girlfriend so bad. Just so bad. I fluctuate between loving single life and having constricting pain because I want a girlfriend. Somehow it’s like life is not throwing me any bones. There have been times where I’ve been in the bliss of life and gone to a social event and even in those moments, where the universe could surprise me and I could have one of those “she came out of nowhere” experiences, I never meet a girl. There are no girls around. Like. Idk. I just don’t know what else I’m supposed to do. I’ve been working on myself nonstop. I’ve got a good job, friends, love for myself, strong family basis, I’ve been called a “good guy”… I don’t know what else I’m supposed to do! Naturally, “go out and meet girls” I suppose. Approach, whatever. The thing is, if I see a girl I like I will approach her. I will talk to her. But I don’t see a lot of girls I like. I haven’t been inspired to talk to them. I’m just so fucking frustrated. I feel like the universe owes me this. I’ve been single for 6 years. I’m just so ready to be in a relationship again. Blah.

How do I make progress in the girlfriend department?

tl;dr I want a girlfriend but the universe isn’t helping. I feel stuck. Don’t know what to do to get unstuck.

  1. It sounds cliche, but just keep putting yourself out there. The world is filled with women of all sorts and you’re bound to hit it off with one that sparks your interest eventually. Again, cliche I know. But it’s the truth, so long as you confidently continue to put yourself out there and work on yourself.

    May I ask what social events you’ve attended but failed to find a girl you felt something towards? Not trying to nose into your business, but rather get a better understanding about your interests and give a more laid out answer for you. Also, what kind of woman is it that you’re looking for? Do you prefer a woman that’s introverted? Extroverted? The party type? Likes to read? Frequents the park?

  2. Go to in person activities where women are

    Running group, volunteering, whatever

    It took me two years in a running group to meet my husband – we started dating after being friends for six months

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