So my ex dumped me exactly one week ago today. Personally, I think the whole thing was weird and I was honestly blindsided. We had a small argument and the whole thing seemed off. Anyway, when she dumped me, she refused to let me say my side or anything. Just said that it’s over and that it’s my fault.

Little context: we have broken up 3 times now. Each time we’ve broken up, I’ve gone straight to therapy. I admit, the first two breakups were definitely my fault. However, I really took the initiative to go to therapy and her, as well as all my peers had seen my change. I was overall a happier, less angry, and less uptight person. However, I recently stopped going to therapy after graduating college. (I am actively seeking a job and cannot afford it. She knows that I am trying my best to find a job, and I plan to be in therapy again when I do.)

When she dumped me, she said that if I truly loved her, I’d be running to therapy. Told me that I would never change and that I ruined everything. Then hung up.

After she hung up, I sent her a text explaining MY SIDE. Essentially, I told her she was very controlling, and I gave examples of her controlling behavior, I told her that i feel like all my feelings are invalidated because she never admitted to fault ever, and that her comment about me running to therapy was unreasonable and really hurts as she knows the situation I am in. (Not to mention I seemed therapy twice already).

She didn’t respond. It’s been a whole week. Nothing. I really don’t get it. It makes me think maybe something else is at play? Or did I do something wrong by expressing my side? I know the breakup happened, but I just want an opinion. Do you think what I said was ok? I would like to talk to her again and work it out but I’m scared I ruined it..

TL;DR: my ex dumped me and blamed me for everything even though I felt she was toxic too. I sent her a long text after she dumped me explaining this as she never listened to my side and I felt it needed to be said. Am I in the wrong for this? Did it just ruin my chances?

1 comment
  1. Hey sometimes people just don’t get on well with each other. It’s no one’s fault it just happens! Not sure how long you’ve been dating on/off or who initiated the break ups, but I think space would be one option here.

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