This is gonna be quite long so please bear with me.

So i(19M) met this girl(19F) around 7 months ago, she made it clear in the first that she doesn’t want a relationship with anybody as she isn’t ready. I told her i like her and she told me she liked me too, but still she doesn’t want a relationship. So after that everything was going good, we were talking good, roaming around together and all etc etc, she did mention that she’ll get into a relationship with me when she feels ready and it would be me, i made that clear, so with that hope i continued talking with her. So few days ago she told me she loves me, i love her too i said, everything went smooth after that, same things happening, saying I love you to each other everyday and all, but keep in mind still not in a relationship.

So now yesterday, she told me that she isn’t liking the situationship stage with me and just want to be friends, nothing else, i tried to talk to her about what happened suddenly and she told me she isn’t seeing any future with me, so there is no point in staying in situationship as she made it very clear now that nothing is gonna happen between us in future.

Now she told me that if we stay friends she’ll lose feelings for me in a year or two as she is clear that our relationship isn’t gonna be nothing but just friends in future as again she doesn’t see a future with me, but i said that even after a year as long as she is in contact with me I’ll still love her and hope for more in future whilst she’ll move on and after 3 years when our college ends we’ll have to part ways, she said she’ll move on till then if we stay friends but i won’t be able to, after 3 years I’ll be me who’ll be hurting very badly.
She said it won’t be easy for her to be just friends with me but she’ll tolerate the all the hurt and will lose the feelings eventually and she is serious about it .
So i had a talk with her and ended our friendship and will cut each other off completely.
So did i do right by ending the friendship?

Tl;Dr was in a situationship with a girl, she said wasn’t ready for a relationship, told me she loves me, i lover her too, still doesn’t want a relationship. Suddenly she is telling me to just be friends as she doesn’t see a future with me.

1 comment
  1. You’re not wrong by choosing to not be friends with this person. It’s probably healthier for you this way.

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