Guys who didn’t make any best friends till college/post college, how did you meet them?

  1. Not really college but a vocational school, I just finished my diploma in horticulture. One night at a bar. Met this dude, got into some deep conversation, introduced me to his gf and prompty invited me to a 3way with them.

  2. He started at my job as a supervisor of mine and we hit it off right away when we met. Same taste in music, same favourite games, same sense of humour, same political opinions, same interests and hobbies.. he even came up to days after meeting and said “Were like twins”….. I never connected with someone so fast. 5 years later and his my best friend. We’ve been to bars, theme parks, nightclubs, cinemas, bowling, arcades etc etc etc together and planning to go abroad with another mutual friend of ours.

    We both went to a friends wedding a week ago and had a heart to heart when drunk expressing how much we helped each other through depression back in the day and how much we mean to each other. When sober we just banter one another but it was nice when we told each other how much we care about one another when

    I’ve told him that I just wished I met him in high school instead. Would of made my childhood and teen years so much better

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