This is less of overall social skill advice but I need advice as someone with prominent social anxiety. So for context I’m a senior in high school and at lunch on the first day of school I go over to a table with three of my friends already sitting there. When I get over the first thing one person says is “oh wow crazy timing Sam was just talking shit behind your back lol”. Im obviously blindsided by this and joke it off, but I can’t stop thinking about what they were saying. I have issues with social anxiety and I constantly worry about what people think about me so I’m nervous about asking one of the other people who were at that table what Sam was saying, worried it will validate some of my anxieties. But I feel weird around em because right now I’m imagining the worst as to what they were talking about. So I guess my question is, if you were in my spot would you ask around and see what shit they were talking? Or should I just let it go?

1 comment
  1. Sounds like your friend was just joking with you. If Sam really were talking shit about you, they would have quickly changed the subject and not even mentioned it. So, I wouldn’t worry about it.
    It’s hard being a teenager. I’m sorry about the social anxiety. It gets better as you grow and experience things and become confident of your own value as a person.

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