I (20m) Hooked up with a fwb (20f) for the first time, I instantly caught feelings way before we had sex. I am so infatuated and unexplainably attracted to her. After we had sex I suggested the idea for us to date, she responded by suggesting we need to get to know each other better and that she was interested.

I understand that but the problem for me is that she has another fwb and will be having sex with them on Sunday after her and I hangout Friday and Saturday.

It makes me feel a way knowing that this girl who I’m more attracted to than any woman I’ve ever seen in my life is going to have sex with a dude after me, and I’m the one pursuing to date her to get in a relationship with her.

Any ideas on what I should say or do?

I have the weekend to make an impression or something but I’m feeling sick about this.

  1. Honestly you need to get over your jealousy. You’re FWBs, not partners, and if you start getting clingy she’ll see that as a red flag. It sucks but the only solution is to man up and get a grip.

    She says she’s interested. That’s big. It’s huge. Don’t ruin things for yourself by trying to snatch at her.

  2. Be honest. You would like to date her because you developed feelings and want to be exclusive. Either she accepts it or she doesn’t.

  3. Chill a bit. Don’t be making long-term plans with someone it sounds like you’ve not known for long. And especially don’t be doing it when you’re 20 — you don’t know yourself well enough yet to know why you’re “unexplainably“ attracted to this girl.

    If sharing her with other partners is a deal-breaker for you, then break up. If not, then be patient and get to know each other better, as she says.

  4. Dude, you’re both young. She probably doesn’t wanna calm down for a while until she really really clicks with someone.

    Jealousy is a turn off for most women. But you could always ask her to follow a Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy with you.

  5. You get over yourself and play the I hope this leads to us being a relationship or you walk away if you can’t hang

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