So my gf(F22) and I(M21) just got a lease to an apartment, we’ve been together for a little over a year, the down payment and next few months of rent are covered but we’re struggling a bit with furniture and we have to buy our own washer/dryer, attempting to save up for those along with rent is difficult. But today she ordered a pair of $270 beats and I tried telling her I didn’t approve of the decision, that it’s needless spending for what we actually need to get. She blew up in my face calling me controlling and that she can do what she wants with her own money and threatened to not show up to the apt for a while and that I can’t tell her what to do. I’ve tried telling her that I wasn’t trying to control her, I just didn’t approve of what she was buying and at the end of the day it is her choice. She was negative in her bank account a few weeks ago, and I gave her $400 to get her out of negative by around $100. I’m just trying to understand how I was the bad guy in that situation and if there’s a way I can try to have her understand why I thought that was a bad decision. Or if I’m actually in the wrong, thoughts would be appreciated.

TLDR; GF made, imo, a bad financial choice, I told her I didn’t approve and she blew up on me.

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