I have a reason for it. To clarify, she’s on birth control. I usually finish inside her. This time as I was doing my thing, she told me that she can’t wait to get pregnant and to give her my cum. This resulted in me pulling out when the time came. She’s upset that I did it. Once we were done having sex, I talked to her and told her I’m not into pregnancy talk. We’re both 18. She said I’m overreacting and she was just into the moment. Am I in over my head over this?

  1. You’re not overreacting. That’s not a joke or dirty talk you make without a prior warning.

  2. Definitely not over reacting. There’s a lot of girls especially your age that’ll say they’re on bc (not saying your gf is one of them) when they’re not cuz they want to either have a baby or trap a guy. That’s a big subject to talk about. My wife and I have been together 10 years, have kids, and still don’t say shit like that in the moment

  3. You’re totally in your authority to do that. And it sounds like you did a nice job explaining yourself. I’d suggest revisiting the topic with her when you’re not in the moment, and then broadening it and opening to what she likes and dislikes and go into them.
    I like starting with the structure of “I really like when we/you/I ____ [talk about some action/position/phrase you genuinely like] and it makes me feel ____[use some juicy adjectives here to make it exciting and arousing].”

    Invite her to share the same, and move on to the pregnancy talk and why you don’t like it etc. and finish with something fun/arousing.

  4. Hell no. She got mad because the babytrap didn’t work. You need to be careful slick. She may “accidentally” forget taking that BC. You should keep that shit wrapped up before you become a surprised daddy.

  5. I think your reaction/pulling out is perfectly reasonable considering the circumstances and what she said.

    I think you need to talk, and you may need to discuss a secondary form of birth control. (Condoms, vaginal spermicidal film).

  6. Yikes. No you are not wrong. I’m (42F) and that is cringe worthy. I would be concerned she does want a baby. Hope you can get clarity on if it was a bad judgement on dirty talk or her letting it slip she wants you to get her pregnant.

  7. Make sure she’s in her birth control! But she could have a breeding kink, I love it when a guy cums in me! I have this obsession that I want to be bred and procreate with as many guys as possible, I find the idea hot and sexy. I don’t actually want kids it’s just the evolutionary urge built into us I guess

  8. Oh shit. Yeah you did the right thing. When I was 19, my gf at the time got off the pill and didn’t tell me. Good thing nothing happened. Be careful. Always strap it. You can’t trust someone who says that.

  9. At that age I probably wouldn’t even have finished. That’d be some scary shit to hear.

  10. Hmm 🚩🚩🚩🚩

    You’re going to need some reassurance she’s not going to trap you into it after saying that….something more long tern like the implant injection or coil

  11. Red flags, they be a wavin’ 🚩🚩🚩
    I am what I like to call an ‘accidentally-on-purpose’ child. As in, when my parents were your age, my mother told my dad she was on the pill. Was she on the pill though? No. But she said she was, and initially claimed that the pills failed. The truth came out eventually though, and I’ve personally known at least 3 other women my age over the years who pulled the same trick. I kid you not my dude, women can be tricksy lol 😬 I would wear condoms from now on, and keep them where they can’t be tampered with.

  12. Nah. I knew a girl that got pregnant on purpose at 17. You’re not overreacting. Have a real heart to heart with her and explain that being a parent is a serious full time job. It’s not just having a cute baby to snuggle. If she wants that she can get a doll or a puppy. the two of you are far to young to take that step. You can even go further and start using condoms when you have sex so you can avoid any “accidents.” Or just break up with her might be the safest option.

  13. I would use condoms in your case, never leave the birth control to the woman. The moment the sperm leaves your body is the moment you have no say in the matter. If you decide to leave her and she catches it before you share the decision with her she may try to guilt trip you etc. You don’t know if you are sticking your dick in crazy so you better have an extra defense measure. Crazy women will get you to stay with them resulting in such desperate actions. It’s very unlikely but keep it extra safe. Also if she cheats on you won’t get an STD.

    You can’t be too careful these days.

  14. If that was a joke for her, it was as funny as saying “you fuck much better than your father”.

  15. I gotta be real i’m on birth control and my boyfriend usually finishes inside me and we do the breeding talk all the time it’s just a kink but make SURE you trust her and know she’s taking her pill every single day

  16. At any point during sex you have the right to pull out and stop having sex. It doesn’t matter that one person finished and the other didn’t or something but as soon as you don’t feel comfortable you should stop.

  17. I’ve been with guys who have said things like that in the moment. It’s not uncommon. But make sure you talk about it after to reiterate it’s just sexy talk and not something you actually want

  18. Sounds like she’s into the link so just ask her if she meant it or if it’s just a fantasy that turns her on. If she’s never given you a reason to not trust her, then talk about it openly and let her know your concerns- like I can be ok with the kink but we are not ready for babies for a VERY long time, I need to know it’s just kink talk and you’re taking your birth control. You could consider getting the implant because that lasts for 3 years and disperses the hormones of birth control pills into your body. I’ve had 3 of them and they worked well. I’m on bc now but that’s only because I may want to conceive again sooner than that time limit. It’s birth control implanted into your arm and lasts 3 years before you have it removed at the docs. Easy and doesn’t hurt. Look up implanon or birth control implant.

  19. As a woman who’s terrified of pregnancy, that would be a huge turn off me too. Your girlfriend needs to understand that everyone else doesn’t share her fetishes, and that it isn’t reasonable to bring them up during sex without prior consent.

  20. before you know it, she’ll stop taking her birth control without your knowledge.

    only use condoms going forward.

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