Not long ago I asked my friend “How do people perceive me?” And she said that I seem like “I don’t want to leave my friend group” and that “I’m pretty introverted”. I do enjoy talking to other people and want to hang out with people, but I’m socially inept and I end up being in my own head when I try to talk to other people. While sometimes I have trust issues and I just don’t know how to talk to people I don’t normally hang out with. In all honesty I blame my phone and quarantine bc after I realized I just don’t know what to talk about and I have improved a little since, I feel like I still have no clue how to properly be social. However hearing this I want to be more social, and improve my social skills. I’m going to college after my last year of highschool, and I’m concerned if I will struggle to make friends in college. But how do I get better at socializing? Is it weird to up and sudden want to change a little? What should I do?

1 comment
  1. In my experience, college was a fresh start. I did not have the reputation of being ‘quiet’ like in high school. There are a lot more students, so if you don’t vibe with someone, you don’t need to see them again.

    Join student orgs and go to their events. Talk to people at these events. If you see someone by themself at the event, you can go up to them and introduce yourself. If you are living in a dorm, ask your roommates or suitemates to grab lunch with you. Be proactive and don’t wait for someone to approach you.

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