Title. Not emotionally, but physically. We didn’t exactly have sex, I’ve only went inside once and we stopped immediately because she was in so much pain. Afterwards she broke down while I took some time cleaning her up, get her hydrated and cuddled to reassure her that everything’s going to be okay. This morning she called me to tell me it’s hurting too much…she’s feeling sore, her belly feels full (?) if that makes sense, she’s also experiencing nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and says that her vaginal opening hurts to touch too. I’ll be visiting her this afternoon and honestly it feels really bad for me to not be able to help her, she’s my everything and I’d really do anything I can. Problem is I don’t now if this is normal or not and nor does she. Neither of us feels the need to contact a medical professional or adult just yet but if it keeps getting worst I’ll have to call someone. For the time being, what are some things I could do to help relieve her pain? All I could think of is to keep her hydrated, give massages and use heat pac… I would love some pointers as soon as possible, it hurts for me to see her in so much pain. Thanks.

Edit: she has Uterine Didelphys and was born with a single kidney too if that matters.

  1. These symptoms are definitely not normal after sex. I really do think a gyno/doctor should be consulted if she has the means and ability to do so.

  2. Definitely doctor. Sometimes my ex liked an ice pack on top of her mound, it relaxed her muscle contractions and aches

  3. Ibuprofen and reassurance it’s probably psychosomatic mixed in with pain and inflammation from the hymen tearing.

  4. It sounds like her reproductive system is somewhat complicated. For many women getting a hard poke against the cervix can cause discomfort and nausea. I don’t know if she has a single abnormal cervix or two and can’t guess what the placement would be and how it would affect the rest of her pelvic floor. I would honestly put penetrative intercourse off the table until she talks to a good gyn. In the meantime she needs to make sure that she’s not putting soap or anything inside herself. There are many other intimate sexual things you can enjoy together without insertion.

  5. Sounds within the normal range to me. I was sore for well over a week after having Sex the first time.

  6. I’m not sure if your gf has ever been to a gyno, but since she has uterine didelphis she SHOULD have a Pap smear or ultrasound done to determine the full extent of it.

    Uterine didelphis means she has 2 uteri, but the congenital defect commonly also affects the vaginal canal, meaning she MAY possibly also have 2 individual vaginal openings, or a septum splitting the one vaginal canal in 2 (a septum is like the fleshy bit that separates your left and right nostrils).

    It MAY explain the painful sex. It may not.

    If she’s having pain with intercourse or she doesn’t know if she also has a double vagina, she should see a gynecologist anyway. She should be made aware just how far this didelphis goes and possibly if she may have more than one vaginal canal or a septum.

  7. There are several probabilities, that your girlfriend has two distinct vaginal openings in addition to the didelfus uterus, this probably caused pain during penetration, obviously the solution is an immediate gynecological examination.

  8. How big is you penis my friend?
    Also during period is the absolute worst time to fuck a virgin

  9. Hmm….visit a gyno …all I can say is periods is already a painfull thing and things you had mentions seems like idher udher ke jugad se better hh …visit a doctor ….you can’t imagine how painful is this for that girl

  10. Gyno visit, some of the symptoms might be due to so anxiety, losing your virginity can cause some anxiety- I felt sick afterwards.

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