I’ve always had his passcode so I don’t know what possessed me to use it today while he was in the bathroom. I know I shouldn’t have but I can’t undo it now and I’m extremely disappointed. I looked up “hinge” in his texts and this girl named Jane Hinge popped up. It looks like he matched with a girl about a month after we started dating. He texted her first and they had a few brief exchanges. It looks like they called and planned to meet up a few days later (she texted “we still on for tomorrow 😘 “) but he cancelled and there’s no texts showing that they ended up meeting in person. I wasn’t able to find phone records, but I saved screenshots and the girl’s number to my phone. Obviously I’m pissed and realize we should break up. My question is, do I talk to him about it? Do I just call her and ask for what actually happened? Any advice would be appreciated.

Edit: we have been together for about 6 months. He texted this girl about two weeks after we’d started dating long distance

  1. Don’t call her. You could talk to him about it but you invaded his privacy so be prepared for him to dump you over that

  2. Why call her? Your boyfriend was the one that wanted to meet her while in a relationship with you. She just matched with him is all, yes talk to him about it, it could be a sign for worse to come in the future. Take it as a sign and dont ignore it

  3. Honestly you’re trippin. You barely got exclusive with this guy and it appears he never even went out with her! Bring it up if you want but only if you’re ready to break up and if you are then just end it already. He might be cool and let it slide but I don’t see any harm. He texted her and felt bad and never met up with her. If anything that’s some loyalty right there, he owes you absolutely nothing cus y’all just started dating.

  4. He wasn’t sure where you two were at, perhaps wasn’t sure you liked him back, texted a girl then cancelled? I’d forget about it.

    Oh, and the girl is completely blameless – she knew nothing about you!

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